
A cryptographically secure TCP tunnel

What is saltunnel?

saltunnel is a secure transport-layer protocol—as well as a command-line tool used to establish TCP tunnels protected by the protocol. Unlike SSH or TLS, it relies on symmetric-key cryptography to authenticate peers. This has pros and cons: the pro is that it has the advantage (over SSH and TLS) of being secure against quantum computing attacks, as well as having the interesting property that all TCP data (apart from TCP/IP headers and timing information) is indistinguishable from uniform random bytes. saltunnel is also pretty easy to install and use.

The main use case for the saltunnel tool is to augment existing TCP client/server programs with a secure transport layer, specifically in cases where the client and server are run by the same (or closely trusted) people. For example, let's imagine that Steve has an HTTP server on his personal computer, and wants to give his brother Clyde (who currently resides elsewhere) access to his local port 80, but isn't comfortable exposing the unencrypted port to the Internet:

There are already several ways they could achieve this. They could use a VPN, SSH, Mutual TLS, or one of many tunneling protocols out there. But they just want something simple and lightweight that works. So, they both install saltunnel. With one or two simple commands, Steve sets up a saltunnel server and Clyde sets up a saltunnel client. Steve then configures his router to forward a port, after which Clyde can freely access Steve's HTTP server.

One interesting property is that all data sent through the TCP connection is indistinguishable from uniform random. To illustrate this, here's a snippet of some data that a network eavesdropper might see during a TLS handshake:

a483e71666d2c46e1f5b0ef708004500   ....f..n.[....E.
05dc6ae7000034061dc55db8d822c0a8   ..j...4...].."..
01ed01bbdd305b3e2da2ce6dcc568010   .....0[>-..m.V..
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2ca4e3a9a197795a0e273ca28aafd608   ,.....yZ.'<.....
358a8e030f444f574e47524401208fe1   5....DOWNGRD. ..
03810e53f6cba82d91df2742212c93bd   ...S...-..'B!,..
aedf6f267be4f670e2837687008dc02f   ..o&{..p..v..../
000016ff01000100000b000403000102   ................
0010000500030268321603030f9f0b00   .......h2.......
0f9b000f980007443082074030820628   .......D0..@0..(
a00302010202100fd078dd48f1a2bd4d   .........x.H...M
0f2ba96b6038fe300d06092a864886f7   .+.k`8.0...*.H..
0d01010b0500304d310b300906035504   ......0M1.0...U.
061302555331153013060355040a130c   ...US1.0...U....
446967694365727420496e6331273025   DigiCert Inc1'0%
0603550403131e446967694365727420   ..U....DigiCert 
53484132205365637572652053657276   SHA2 Secure Serv
6572204341301e170d31383131323830   er CA0...1811280
30303030305a170d3230313230323132   00000Z..20120212
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0613025553311330110603550408130a   ...US1.0...U....
43616c69666f726e6961311430120603   California1.0...
550407130b4c6f7320416e67656c6573   U....Los Angeles
313c303a060355040a1333496e746572   1<0:..U...3Inter
6e657420436f72706f726174696f6e20   net Corporation 
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772e6578616d706c652e6f7267308201   w.example.org0..

And here's a snippet from an SSH connection:

c46e1f5b0ef7a483e71666d208004500   .n.[......f...E.
00490000400040066951c0a801ed2248   .I..@.@.iQ...."H
ec80faab0016cb516b515e27dae38018   .......QkQ^'....
08142e8000000101080a11fde64e26b8   .............N&.
23915353482d322e302d4f70656e5353   #.SSH-2.0-OpenSS
485f382e310d0a                     H_8.1..         
c46e1f5b0ef7a483e71666d208004500   .n.[......f...E.
05a400004000400663f6c0a801ed2248   ....@.@.c....."H
ec80faab0016cb516b665e27db0c8018   .......Qkf^'....
08130fb900000101080a11fde68726b8   ..............&.
23c90000056c04145470e323e41b976e   #....l..Tp.#...n
481cd3bca77155390000010d63757276   H....qU9....curv
6532353531392d7368613235362c6375   e25519-sha256,cu
72766532353531392d73686132353640   rve25519-sha256@
736861322d6e697374703235362c6563   sha2-nistp256,ec
64682d736861322d6e69737470333834   dh-sha2-nistp384
2c656364682d736861322d6e69737470   ,ecdh-sha2-nistp
3532312c6469666669652d68656c6c6d   521,diffie-hellm
616e2d67726f75702d65786368616e67   an-group-exchang
652d7368613235362c6469666669652d   e-sha256,diffie-
68656c6c6d616e2d67726f757031362d   hellman-group16-
7368613531322c6469666669652d6865   sha512,diffie-he
6c6c6d616e2d67726f757031382d7368   llman-group18-sh
613531322c6469666669652d68656c6c   a512,diffie-hell
6d616e2d67726f757031342d73686132   man-group14-sha2
35362c6469666669652d68656c6c6d61   56,diffie-hellma
6e2d67726f757031342d736861312c65   n-group14-sha1,e
78742d696e666f2d6300000166656364   xt-info-c...fecd
73612d736861322d6e69737470323536   sa-sha2-nistp256
2d636572742d763031406f70656e7373   -cert-v01@openss
2d6e697374703338342d636572742d76   -nistp384-cert-v

Finally, compare the above to saltunnel, for which all data (including the handshake) appears completely random to an eavesdropper:

21e083638806bcc017c75975da647ac9  |!|
f8e055dc960f941790b1c6ef1486bfb1  |..U.............|
77133cb2a45964f1be7443067bdf31d6  |w.<..Yd..tC.{.1.|
6cc9c0aef936b0a79fc31727611d3192  |l....6.....'a.1.|
3f3e043be992ebdc9d198886655faeff  |?>.;........e_..|
3d47b78b33a0d8949559e3c20525fa8f  |=G..3....Y...%..|
a8f7d74945f1a4b7e7dcea68734f3be6  |...IE......hsO;.|
61815e79c9b0c96ccefa35e28773cd0b  |a.^y...l..5..s..|
19bddf1f792b7a5c588306cbabad997b  |....y+z\X......{|
66973ba2be2d2ae823c2b335a13f87e7  |f.;..-*.#..5.?..|
99307e7336db07d32030f4bbd1449e63  |.0~s6... 0...D.c|
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495f44a2c950166221e3f9926e417905  |I_D..P.b!...nAy.|
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0a38531fc64cf06b2ff68cecafe8075d  |.8S..L.k/......]|
6f48c479a237eff8b040ee8312ecea9c  |oH.y.7...@......|
b7bbd0d78286537aecfee1ac6bd24485  |......Sz....k.D.|
05c0fe53bd73b9628f3b80e5dead47b9  |...S.s.b.;....G.|
d3e1951dd79ea6c940ca4d98e2f7bc87  |........@.M.....|
f8c6f18841763140fa31d8a6dc5cd1e5  |....Av1@.1...\..|
53171b9b54803882c19bd53b6833adc2  |S...T.8....;h3..|
138fcb94cbc98baa0af3dd662eabfe1c  |...........f....|
57c5d93b273605464e042d1075bfd637  |W..;'6.FN.-.u..7|
1ead015dc94d99b65f77e7eb6a2eb786  |...].M.._w..j...|
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2234f63837d42a6d90e25fc11f835d8a  |"4.87.*m.._...].|
dfcec93fc1fa052427a4c78bf6a72008  |...?...$'..... .|
9fd8c030820b07659570620f0ad0f2e9  |...0...e.pb.....|
1110741fd6f7df137e32e3a868fcc7e4  |..t.....~2..h...|

Here's a detailed summary of saltunnel's security features:

Confidentiality and Integrity
The saltunnel protocol uses salsa20+poly1305 as its primary symmetric cipher, which provides confidentiality and integrity.
Denial-of-Service Protection
saltunnel servers have denial-of-service protection; about as much as is possible for a TCP server. An attacker attempting to overload a saltunnel server instance will find that the most cost-effective attacks are (probably) reduced to exploiting the well-known shortcomings of TCP itself.
Forward Secrecy
Forward secrecy ensures that it is impossible to retroactively decrypt data from a past connection, even if, at some point in the future, the long-term shared symmetric key is compromised. Despite using a symmetric-key protocol for its initiating handshake, saltunnel performs a Diffie-Hellman exchange to obtain an ephemeral session key, which is then used for the remainder of the TCP connection. When a connection terminates, the ephemeral keys which were used to encrypt that connection are permanently erased.
Key/Data Safety
saltunnel makes a point to always use mlock to "pin" all keys and plaintext in memory, so that they are never swapped to disk. Additionally, as soon as each connection is closed, that connection's keys and plaintext are immediately erased from memory. This (usually) provides forward secrecy even in the face of disk forensics or cold-boot attacks (assuming your RLIMIT_MEMLOCK is not too low and assuming you don't enter hibernate mode while a connection is active).
Message-Length Quantization
Data is sent over the network in chunks of 512 bytes. If one computer sends, for example, 7 bytes, it will arrive as a 512-byte chunk on the other computer. This greatly reduces the amount of information which can be inferred from network analysis.
Post-Quantum Security
The protocol is also immune to quantum computing attacks, because its security relies on 256-bit symmetric-key cryptography. (Of which, the best attack known to be possible by quantum computers is Grover's algorithm, which reduces the security level to 128 bits.) The catch, of course, is that as a prerequisite to using saltunnel, the key must be (somehow) shared securely between parties—a process which is famously difficult to do, especially in a post-quantum-secure way.
Uniform Random TCP Data
An attacker who eavesdrops on a saltunnel connection will only see a TCP connection with same-sized chunks of uniform random data. There are no protocol header magic bytes or patterns within any given chunk of data. This complicates an attacker's ability to track/fingerprint users, and makes it difficult to write analysis tools that detect/censor the saltunnel protocol. (Obviously, tracking can still be done at the IP layer, and patterns may still be available through timing analysis.)

There are a few shortcomings of saltunnel: